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WP Crowdfunding App - Case Study

Expertise: Design and Interaction
Platform: Web App
Deliverables: UI, UX and Strategy

WP Crowdfunding one of the most used crowdfunding plugin in WordPress. The main problem was too many support request everyday costing the company a lot of time and money.Designing a simple interactive and usable platform that improves fundraising easily and effectively was the main goal.

Major setbacks of Current Design

  1. Mission-critical process
  2. No clue/visibility of system status
  3. Majority functions are not working
  4. User Friction
  5. Page density
  6. Lack of findability
  7. No significant help to recognise, diagnose and recover from error
  8. Lack of consistency and standards
  9. Lack of anticipation
  10. Less user control and efficiency
  11. Neglected Usability heuristics


  1. Follow Usability Heuristics
  2. Better Finability
  3. Follow Consistency and Standards
  4. Total User Controls
  5. Adding Anticipation
  6. Full user control

Live Preview

Standing out amongst a crowded fundraising landscape, however, is the first step-and often a difficult feat. In order to create an attention the fundraising landing page needs to be very accurate and informative. Real-time editing give control to the user to edit and view the updates live.

Pre-defined section one click use

  1. Visibility of System Status
  2. User control and freedom
  3. Predefined section help user to easily create description for the project.Edit and collapsable. Inline text editing
  4. Step Navigation

Insighful Dashboard

Crafted insightful dashboard for backers and campaign owner to get stats about campaign goal. Control over campaign, reward and payment option. Personalise email plays vital role in Crowdfunding. Asking for pledge/help of any kind requires courage and vulnerability, and seeking financial help can be especially challenging. The new system provides some formats of email to help them initially get started and also give customise option.